Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Big Update

So Elder Bussell has been in England for almost a month now. I updated his email bc apperently he was not getting them on his first established email account.

holy smokes!!!
haha ive gotten so many emails today its insanely awesome. i only have a short time to write though, cause were busy busy! things are so much better, its great! ive learned so much patience, and learned to rely on faith so much!!!! prayer is also been a huge factor these past couple of weeks, and im so greatful for everyones support and to know that im not alone and that my savior is with me always! things have been slow in the area, but theyre slowly getting better. the guy i commited to baptism was a waster, so we dropped him, but we found this one guy named ethan. hes chinese and he is the man! we went and taught him, and he had the right questions and the right answers to our questions. this guy is solid and im hoping he will be my first baptism! keep the fingers crossed! the lesson was so awesome though, that spirit was so strong, that i was shaking, and he was like, oh man, this is great, this feels so good and so right! haha yes it was sooo awesome! so anyways, suzi let me know how the dennis thing went!? also tell lauren for me that i wrote her back, and if ryan wants he can email me too! i gave lauren my address to the flat, so you can send it there, or you can send it to the office on facebook, either way is fine, but sending it to the flat gets to me quicker probably. haha im a little nervous for dad getting me shoes so i just asked him to either send me money or send it to you to put on my card. things are so expensive here! im broke as a joke! also if you could, tell jamie to write me on my email, and tell her i miss her and i hope everythings going good! same for my little ashley! haha anways ive got to go, ill write you more next week, and tell keith im so excited to do his family history! love you so much and miss and pray for you everyday! my friends, i miss you guys so much, thanks for the emails, im probably going to be sending out just one big email now, but we will see, just keep writing me though, hope you enjoy the pics!!!
- Elder Bussell
-Elder Bussell



you sound mad busy!  haha hows school going?  youre making me home sick boi i miss you and hockey, and kahbang and everything like crazy!  no haha things are so great here!  everyday is getting better and better!  i wrote you a physical letter so youll probably be getting that soon! i thought you were ignoring me ;) haha jk.  but i just wanted to show you some love!  im playing some english football later today so ill be thinking of you when im playing.  my sweet experiences are in the forward from suzi so ill let you read it from there.  but just for you a little spiritual thought.  my mission pres was talking to me in my first interview and he said to read at least 15 minutes of the book of mormon each day.  he said that the book of mormon is the only book that christ testifies of, and they are the words of christ.  and that the words of christ, will tell us all things!  soooo dirrrtttyyy!!! i love it dude!  you can read it from 2 nephi 32 and 33.  give it a read, when i glanced over it again after, my bosom was literally burning, the spirit was so strong!  THIS WORK IS TRUE!  i love it, i love the gospel of jesus christ.  it is the only way we can recieve true happiness and a fullness of joy!  i love you more than life itself!  haha i miss you amber and max like crazy and i pray for you always!  loves yous! and take care!
-Elder Bussell

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