Monday, April 26, 2010

New Letter from Our Boy!!

hey y'all!
howdy from wales! haha. im feeling a little under the weather today, i think ive got stomach flu or something but anyways. so this week has been kind of funny. the days are really mooshing all together and it almost feels like a dream. i feel like im in groundhog day, where everyday is the same, but im progressingly working to rid of that. so our success has been up quite a bit. weve been blessed with more investigators and even a progressing investigator with a baptismal date! his name is Dennis and the story about how we met him is great. so we were waiting for a train in ponty on our way up the valleys and we see this guy who is sooo drunk that he literally couldnt speak or standup. he was sitting on the platform leaned against the fence mumbling so loud. it was legit one of the funniest things ive ever seen, i was laughing for 20 minutes straight. so a couple of days later as we were going home from an appointment, we see this same guy and start laughing but suddenly get this brilliant idea to go up to him and start teaching him. so we did, he was sober, we gave him a book of mormon, taught him, and setup a return appointment. we then invited him to church and he came! he was the first investigator weve had at church in weeks, even months i think. we then after commited him to baptism and he has a date for may 15! haha oh man, what a funny story. if its not then i guess its just one of those things that you had to be there. hahah. so things are good aside from that. were working very hard. times can be trying though because my companion and I dont get along very well, and we disagree a lot but we are working through it. but transfers are coming up soon. so anyways, ive got to get running to this sweet soccer tournament where all the missionaries play each other. i will have some sweet pics next week! take care, write me on my email, or a letter. i havent been getting much and its making me sad!

- Elder Bussell

on a side note: everyone should be writing Elder Bussell. It takes what 10 minutes to shoot him an email or write to him. Believe me you will regret it when he gets back and says in Jayrad's lingo " Ey Boi, why didnt you write me".. So take some time out and write him, tell him whats going on in your life. Remember, he has no TV, no Radio, no real connection to the States.. he needs your letters!!

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