Monday, April 5, 2010

Old Letter, New Post..

So I was putting a Notebook together for Jayrad of all his letters and emails, so that when he comes home he can have a record of it (like a journal of sorts). Anyway I found a letter for the MTC I never posted so I want to post it.

Yo Tim My Boi!

Oh My Gosh, this place is so sick! I've learned so much and my testimony is just shooting through the roof! Now all I've got to do it just learn how to put it in words. I've gained such an amazing testimony of the Book of Mormon and the divinity of it. I guess I've always taken for advantage of the fact that all life's answers are in that book and we can truly come closer to christ is we feast upon its words and abide by its precepts. I never really understood what everyone meant when they said that the book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion until now..Without it we would be nothing.. So Tim my man, feast upon its words! I have been reading Jesus The Christ as well. Oh My Gosh! If there's anything that will help you come unto Christ, it is that book. Read it, because it is amazing. You feel like you'll be on a more personal level with your brother and savior. Ahhh I absolutely love this work! I am so glad I came Out!! Being exactly obedient is a little hard though because I like to have fun and be a goon but I am working on it! I'm learning to not just be on a mission, but to become a missionary.

I've learned how critical it is to mission world to have the members involved. Without them mission work is useless. Referrals are so important because it keeps those missionaries on a diverse schedule and prevents "groundhog day." Which is like that same day over and over. President Hinckly said in one of his talks that a new convert needs 3 things. A member friend, a calling, and nourishment in the good word of God. So please I encourage EVERYONE to work with the missionaries, learn to love the work,the investigators and help them come unto Christ, and as we do so, we will come closer to him. It is so important!

I sent you an email a couple of days ago, tell everyone my email address please!? and tell them I need letters, emails, and packages ahaha!! Next week I will be writing from England!! I flight from Salt Lake to Paris! Ahh So Long! Anyways take care, misses and loves you!
-Elder Bussell

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